posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +35 / -1


What's very curious is how many MPs etc. have been openly hating on Elon Musk because he's got the ultimate fuck you position of being a billionaire and owning Twitter. They know all the normies will be getting their information from twitter in a lot of cases despite how much they've been spamming news articles which have lulled for the moment.

Predictably, on the ground they've got Stand Up To Racism who are actual communists and professional activists so you'll be seeing a lot of these cretins about this weekend screaming about Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage. My money though is on them pulling something potentially quite desperate, they could end up pissing away a government contract on creating some kind of twitter alternative just to spite Elon Musk and block twitter.

It's a completely retarded idea, but something they are more than capable of now I know just how retarded they are. What I think they might do is create a twitter clone and then have the ISPs all redirect any twitter links to the twitter clone in an effort to get normies to use that instead.