76 US Military's recruitment campaign may have actually driven recruitment numbers down (www.military.com) posted 143 days ago by ArchRespawnsAgain 143 days ago by ArchRespawnsAgain +76 / -0 The Army Bet $11M on The Rock and UFL Ginning Up Enlistments. It May Have Actually Hurt Recruiting Efforts. The high-dollar, high-profile deal likely didn't lead to a single new Army recruit and may possibly have had a negative impact on finding new enlistments, internal documents and emails reviewed by Military.com show. 31 comments share 31 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Great point. I just realized the guy I know who only cares about F1 would technically be in that 80%. Still, I was really scared for a moment.
Nascar would also count, and I think that's an entirely different demographic compared to what the word "millennial" conjures up for us.
Heck anyone who is watching the Olympics right now would qualify, even just for the memes.
As a full grown 32 year old that the closest I’ve ever gotten to “sports” is pro-wrestling to think I’d also be included in that 80% is scary…