posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +32 / -3

So many of these newest titles look like my first unreal engine projects shamelessly so, I'm so bitchy about these types of games that pop up on the steam charts because they really are at their very best low effort cash grabs so if you see one of these pop up don't bother. These are often developers who have had millions if not billions depending on the studio backing them.

The gameplay itself appears to be typical survival crafting combined with even more typical third person combat which isn't necessarily a bad thing by itself but the game looks very unfinished and early access, they're trying to cover it up through the use of stuff like default unreal grass and metahumans but the signs are all there.

The 'monster' designs look like they've just taken a standard meta-human model and then plonked a flashlight on it, I'm not even joking. Then there was that 'siren' monster they seemed to be trying to hype people up on and it looks like they've taken some kind of radio tower asset and then plonked it on the character's head.

Then there's the hair, I realise this is a weird thing to get fixated on but Baldur's Gate 3 had this weird problem as well. The light just doesn't seem to work correctly and the colour of the hair looks too weird because of how strangely bright the lighting is. Adding to the looks of the player models themselves, it seems like they've gone with the bethesda workflow of photogrammetry and then randomly mashing together ethnicity for the sake of procedurally generating some odd looking models.

I just thought I'd do a quick write up in case you were wondering given how much the normies seem to be liking this game for the moment. Oh and by the way, something I found amusing is the resources you gather really are just randomly placed static trees or boulders with bits stuck in them depending on what resource type they are.