this does drive off your productive male employees
This really needs to be stressed more often. Not that the DEI managerial class cares, but I think normies overlook that point when debating the merits of merit vs. "inclusion". They are made to believe you can add without taking away.
It also drives away young women in actually productive jobs.
Seriously, the worst workplace bullying I've ever seen was coming from a childless, post-wall, middle manager cat mom managing young attractive girls. Shit was wild from both a moral and a legal perspective - if the girls sued they could probably retire before turning 30. I'm actually surprised there wasn't a suicide. I would have gladly testified in a lawsuit, too, that bitch was insufferable to everyone, but younger, more attractive women got it by far the worst.
Why managers? Manegers do nothing.
This really needs to be stressed more often. Not that the DEI managerial class cares, but I think normies overlook that point when debating the merits of merit vs. "inclusion". They are made to believe you can add without taking away.
It also drives away young women in actually productive jobs.
Seriously, the worst workplace bullying I've ever seen was coming from a childless, post-wall, middle manager cat mom managing young attractive girls. Shit was wild from both a moral and a legal perspective - if the girls sued they could probably retire before turning 30. I'm actually surprised there wasn't a suicide. I would have gladly testified in a lawsuit, too, that bitch was insufferable to everyone, but younger, more attractive women got it by far the worst.
They are trying to increase their odds of getting laid.