Yeah I know he might be a lost cause, s'why I replied to you.
I just wanted to expand on the proper response to "tribalism is bad m'kay" to someone who would listen and help spread the message.
That being that tribalism is to politics what guns are to self defence. It's a morally agnostic power multiplier, and if the other guy brings his you better be fucking sure you brought yours.
You're replying to the wrong guy mate.
I don't think he's reachable tho. Neocon piece of shit that he is.
Yeah I know he might be a lost cause, s'why I replied to you.
I just wanted to expand on the proper response to "tribalism is bad m'kay" to someone who would listen and help spread the message.
That being that tribalism is to politics what guns are to self defence. It's a morally agnostic power multiplier, and if the other guy brings his you better be fucking sure you brought yours.
No no you can't do that because racism.
The part I dont get it how you can be deep in the pit enough to end up here, but you still don't get it.