posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +31 / -4


I'm not making this up and I archived this just to make sure I wasn't going insane myself in case she rightly deletes it out of embarrassment. I was minding my own business browsing components just as you do and this retarded article popped out at me and yes I'm triggered and yes normies and cat ladies are ruining everything about gaming.

This author is trying to recommend you buy £800+ machines just to play Fallout tactics and she had the audacity to recommend playing that game which most people stay away from generally because Fallout 1 and 2 are the original games everybody plays but what's more ridiculous you could probably play these on a second hand laptop pretty easily.

Do you have what it takes to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with your brothers to defend civilisation against the radiated threat of the Wasteland? If so, you’re the perfect new addition to the squad in Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel.

If you’re ready to take arms and defend the weak

That's not what the brotherhood of steel does you fucking normie stop butchering the fallout lore

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel is the first game in the series to include multiplayer. Get the squad together to go head-to-head against the opposing team, earning points which can be redeemed for critical gear or a new member.

I'm pretty sure any multiplayer for that game is going to be dead, did she even check the servers? It's like she just saw this game pop up in her search feed and decided to write some bullshit click-bait article about it.

As a classic real-time strategy game, Fallout Tactics doesn’t require any hefty PC hardware. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t harness powerful tech to render the Wasteland like never before.

How? How can you 'harness' the power of hefty PC hardware on a fucking 2D game? Explain it to me in a way that doesn't make it out you're obviously trying to trick dumb customers into thinking they need to buy £800+ machines to play a 2D game. I bet she thinks you need a gaming PC to play Stardew Valley as well and probably has one herself.

But wait! It gets even better because she willingly wrote this in her own bio.

Outside of writing blog posts, she can be found wrapped in a blanket with her black cat, engrossed in a book or playing life-simulation games such as The Sims, Stardew Valley, and Animal Crossing.

Ban women from gaming