Oh look the authoritarian's inability to understand a point comes to the fore.
If you can't distinguish between defending against your asinine desire to remove a fundamental right and defending people who abuse said right to do bad things, then you're the perfect tool for the communist take over.
Does your head hurt from the cognitive dissonance when you don't apply this exact same logic to gun rights?
There is no fundamental right in play here numbnuts. They should have absolutely no additional legal rights or immunities compared to a normal person.
You're arguing for a self selecting journalist nobility with immunity from prosecution for crimes that normal people would be jailed for. That is the polar fucking opposite of a free society.
No I'm not, but you won't listen because you're an authoritarian buffoon.
Freedom of the press refers to the act of publishing, not some class of people. It always has in American law. Journalists are protected by each other and the same right we are. Removing that right means we would only have state run and approved news orgs and they would just arrest Alex Jones instead of suing him to death, which is an abuse of the courts and should not have happened.
But saying we should remove a right over that is cutting your nose to spite your face.
You reaaaaally avoid addressing why this logic, once applied the way your stupid, commie ass wants it to be, wouldn't immediately be applied to gun rights.
I can see it now, GuN OwnErShIp IsNt a RiGhT ItS ProTeCtiNg A claSS of PeOPlE
No, it doesn't. You can tell by how, if it didn't exist, the right of the people to free speech would be the same.
It has created a largely unaccountable political class outside of the rest of the citizenry. It has no other effect. That needs to go away. It's that simple.
Also your comparison is borderline illiterate. The 2nd amendment outright says "the right of the people.".
Cuck elsewhere. There is no excuse to defend them. The press is the enemy.
Oh look the authoritarian's inability to understand a point comes to the fore.
If you can't distinguish between defending against your asinine desire to remove a fundamental right and defending people who abuse said right to do bad things, then you're the perfect tool for the communist take over.
Does your head hurt from the cognitive dissonance when you don't apply this exact same logic to gun rights?
There is no fundamental right in play here numbnuts. They should have absolutely no additional legal rights or immunities compared to a normal person.
You're arguing for a self selecting journalist nobility with immunity from prosecution for crimes that normal people would be jailed for. That is the polar fucking opposite of a free society.
No I'm not, but you won't listen because you're an authoritarian buffoon.
Freedom of the press refers to the act of publishing, not some class of people. It always has in American law. Journalists are protected by each other and the same right we are. Removing that right means we would only have state run and approved news orgs and they would just arrest Alex Jones instead of suing him to death, which is an abuse of the courts and should not have happened.
But saying we should remove a right over that is cutting your nose to spite your face.
You reaaaaally avoid addressing why this logic, once applied the way your stupid, commie ass wants it to be, wouldn't immediately be applied to gun rights.
I can see it now, GuN OwnErShIp IsNt a RiGhT ItS ProTeCtiNg A claSS of PeOPlE
No, it doesn't. You can tell by how, if it didn't exist, the right of the people to free speech would be the same.
It has created a largely unaccountable political class outside of the rest of the citizenry. It has no other effect. That needs to go away. It's that simple.
Also your comparison is borderline illiterate. The 2nd amendment outright says "the right of the people.".