Vaguely so but the loss of gravitas was a symptom more than anything else.
God is not crass. God is not modern. God is not "hip" or "with it."
And trying to be trendy is unbecoming of those who claim to speak in His name. The loss of Latin mass was a sign that the Catholic Church didn't care about being the Catholic Church anymore. A sign that the laity interpreted, whether consciously or not, correctly.
Vaguely so but the loss of gravitas was a symptom more than anything else.
God is not crass. God is not modern. God is not "hip" or "with it."
And trying to be trendy is unbecoming of those who claim to speak in His name. The loss of Latin mass was a sign that the Catholic Church didn't care about being the Catholic Church anymore. A sign that the laity interpreted, whether consciously or not, correctly.
"Hi there fellow kids" wasn't ever going to work.