Fyi African children mature about 2 years faster than whites. They walk quicker, grow faster, and develop adult level strength sooner. This is obviously a result of survival strategy that favors high reproduction to outbreed the death rate, like rabbits. But you're only allowed to mention it if you argue it makes them superior.
Fyi African children mature about 2 years faster than whites.
I think they also stop mentally developing at that point, too. It explains why Africa never got beyond early stone age development, prior to outsiders arriving.
Fyi African children mature about 2 years faster than whites. They walk quicker, grow faster, and develop adult level strength sooner. This is obviously a result of survival strategy that favors high reproduction to outbreed the death rate, like rabbits. But you're only allowed to mention it if you argue it makes them superior.
I think they also stop mentally developing at that point, too. It explains why Africa never got beyond early stone age development, prior to outsiders arriving.