I tend to avoid talking politics with my parents (mostly because they watch CNN and MSNBC all of the time), but in rare instances where war comes up, I ask them, "what if they reinstate the draft?" Their immediate response is, "that will never happen" and that is the end of the conversation. I sometimes think they say that because they don't want to even entertain the idea of the possible outcomes of a draft for their children, though perhaps they genuinely believe that the draft would never be reinstated because of potentially how unpopular it would be. I have seen similar strong opinions on this board about the impossibility of a draft in the United States, and I have to wonder why you are all so certain about it?
Time and again we have seen decisions by the government being made that defy logic, especially politically, only for the average citizen to look on in complete apathy at best, and sheer joy at worst. Years of the Syrian Civil War being plastered everywhere with criticisms of US inaction have made the left more hungry for war. The Ukraine War has seen leftist individuals (even the trannies who you would expect to whine and moan about doing anything) actually travel to Ukraine and participate in fighting. The propaganda is powerful, and the apathy towards resisting is even stronger.
I think you would have to be foolish to not even entertain the idea of the Establishment reinstating the draft. It doesn't matter if the logistics would be impossible as that has rarely stopped the government before. As far as I see it, the Silent Generation and the Boomers are not satisfied with merely passing away quietly, they want to go out in a blaze of glory, consequences for their children, and the human race as a whole, be damned.
It's bad for several reasons, most of which I wouldn't expect a eurotrash to understand.
From your limited perspective, it's bad because your decadent, self indulgent societies cannot defend yourselves. You've relied on the United States for most of a century while pissing away resources fomenting parasitism. Your anemic military capabilities aren't even worth the name, and your historical enemies know it. Your continent could be conquered by the California Highway Patrol.
Thus, the decay of the United States will strike Europe first and hardest. And since the EU has irritated nearly everywhere else on earth with their policies of debt slavery, promoting faggotry and proliferation of censorship...
Sniff... so unfair...
That is correct, but we don't need to. After all, we face no threats... except the one emanating from the US.
That's a damn lie!
The California Highway Patrol could only conquer 2/3 of Europe. It would have to leave some troops behind to keep order in the areas it had conquered.
Well, I'm not fighting for any EU, nor for any national government. Why would I be an enabler to my enemy?
You don't face any threats? Let me know how that goes for you. Your bloc government is on the verge of committing multiple acts of war against the Russo Sino alliance, and you're well within reach of their reprisal.
But why are we doing such stupid things? Cause the Americans told us to.
If we were to mind our own business and not warmonger for a change, we'd be fine.
"the Americans" are the right hand of the enemy as the EU is the left. The masters of both are ordering these actions.
As you're well aware, although I'm sure this will result in another of your characteristic outpourings if denial.