We've found the 0.00001% of the time the pedo pajeet is correct.
I'm just surprised he didn't manage to slip any of his usual bullshit catchphrases into this comment.
Also...gopower knows exactly what he's doing. He had some of us fooled at first, but we're on to him. He's a psyop, trying to make "his side" look bad. It doesn't help when his mockery is often quite in line with what some of the people he's mocking are actually like.
i mean both of them are making "their side" look bad. The pajeet pedo is making the anti israel side look bad and gopower2024 the annoying IDF is making the pro israel side look bad
In this case pajeet troll is correct, though and, as I've said, gopower isn't "IDF" or "Israel" or "Zionist." He acts like he's those things, but he's trolling, and intentionally trying to make them look bad.
I'm not saying you're alting anyone, I'm saying you're not actually pro-Israel like you pretend, and are in fact anti-Israel, trying to make the Zionists look bad by acting retarded while pretending to be a Zionist. Lucky for you, you have a lot of retarded Zionists helping your schtick.
This is an uncomfortable situation.
Trolls trolling trolls.
We've found the 0.00001% of the time the pedo pajeet is correct.
I'm just surprised he didn't manage to slip any of his usual bullshit catchphrases into this comment.
Also...gopower knows exactly what he's doing. He had some of us fooled at first, but we're on to him. He's a psyop, trying to make "his side" look bad. It doesn't help when his mockery is often quite in line with what some of the people he's mocking are actually like.
This timeline sucks.
For a while I thought he was DoM's release valve, but no...
To be fair, Dom spazzing out over a comic is the only thing that has made me rethink my position that gopower in an obvious anti-Zionist troll.
"Oh, wait, they are actually this retarded sometimes..."
i mean both of them are making "their side" look bad. The pajeet pedo is making the anti israel side look bad and gopower2024 the annoying IDF is making the pro israel side look bad
In this case pajeet troll is correct, though and, as I've said, gopower isn't "IDF" or "Israel" or "Zionist." He acts like he's those things, but he's trolling, and intentionally trying to make them look bad.
You underestimate how bad zionists can be. Have you heard and seen Rabbi Shmuley for example?
I do no such thing.
Are you also going to claim the Twitter account and the related posts are my alts as well?
I'm not saying you're alting anyone, I'm saying you're not actually pro-Israel like you pretend, and are in fact anti-Israel, trying to make the Zionists look bad by acting retarded while pretending to be a Zionist. Lucky for you, you have a lot of retarded Zionists helping your schtick.
And the poster must be a psyop neo nazi too I'm assuming.