You know how they view the past as America being white centric or Euro-centric. Most of the movies were all white casts in the 50-60s and earlier, and they called that Eurocentric.
No that's just the natural result of a majority culture producing art. When those guys who make those funny action movies in Africa on those super cheap budgets, I don't for a second think that they're being "Afro-centric". They're a bunch of Africans who are black who are making movies using the people most around them.
That's what you expect and do see everywhere. In the 1960s and earlier the US black population was very small and people didn't have this retarded idea of equal representation, whatever that's supposed to mean so writers would write based on what their culture was like and things that formed their experience.
Now fast-forward to what they do now, the new Assassin's Creed being just the latest example, that literally IS afro-centric. They accused America in the past of doing something unnatural when it was the natural thing for people who write a story to it be based on THEIR culture, and use that as an excuse to do an actual unnatural thing which is force a distasteful culture on everybody and everything.
Nah she watched a few episodes with me but she wasn't a trekkie or even sci-fi fan. I never particularly liked the "holosuite" stuff on DS9 but yeah that particular episode was funny. I'd have to rank Sisko as best or second best just behind Kirk. Picard used to be my favorite but the new stuff and Patrick Stewarts undying devotion to The Message completely killed the character for me. Or it made me aware of how annoying he was all along.
I did like Vic Fontaine and downloaded his music same here with Picard. I still watch TNG reruns but it does hurt my interest when they can’t shut up about their politics