posted ago by AntonioOfVenice ago by AntonioOfVenice +31 / -3

I have a very good excuse for watching a Hollywood movie, I swear, pls no bully.

Anyway, regardless of the quality of the movie - a bit difficult to follow and somewhat romcommy (or romcommie according to some people here), it surprised me that there were no really overtly woke elements, and that woke was even mocked at some point.

Avoiding spoilers for something no one here is ever going to watch, the two woke-adjacent elements were a guy who appeared somewhat gay (other than that, no LGBTP crap), and a female character with surprising prowess in fights.

But also: even the 'good' female characters were presented as obsessive and self-centered and as the butt of jokes. And one of the bad female characters at one point cited "toxic masculinity" when she was caught and trying in vain to appeal to a fellow female to not side against her when she is clearly in the wrong.

So either movies are getting less woke or (more likely) this is a nice exception to the rule.