There are no QTE's in Skyrim. There are no QTE's in Conan Exiles. There are no QTE's in project Zomboid. There are no QTE's in No Man's Sky or Elite Dangerous or Space Engineers.
Perhaps if you stopped wanting to play a movie and started playing actual games you wouldn't be forced to watch interactive cut scenes. Open world games are superior to linear scripted anything. Hell, the last good linear game was Doom 2016. Level/stage based games are just bad. They have zero replayablity. After you've played them once you know where everything is. There is nothing new to learn or experience. Perhaps just some mutually exclusive achievements that exist solely to make you grind through it a second time.
QTE's only come up in linear adventure games. Just play open world games and you don't have to worry about them.
There are no QTE's in Skyrim. There are no QTE's in Conan Exiles. There are no QTE's in project Zomboid. There are no QTE's in No Man's Sky or Elite Dangerous or Space Engineers.
Perhaps if you stopped wanting to play a movie and started playing actual games you wouldn't be forced to watch interactive cut scenes. Open world games are superior to linear scripted anything. Hell, the last good linear game was Doom 2016. Level/stage based games are just bad. They have zero replayablity. After you've played them once you know where everything is. There is nothing new to learn or experience. Perhaps just some mutually exclusive achievements that exist solely to make you grind through it a second time.
Tremendously disagree, I would take Halo 1-3 and Homeworld over everything, off the top of my head.