51 Pro Hamas leftists on college campuses are now attacking the Jews 😲 There is a big schism growing on the left between leftists who support Palestine and the 75 percent of American Jews who vote for Democrats. (archive.ph) posted 300 days ago by onetruephilosoraptor 300 days ago by onetruephilosoraptor +54 / -3 108 comments share 108 comments share save hide report block hide replies
No, we just don't have to retardedly screech about "muh jews" in every post.
Ironically, they have free real estate in your heads.
There are more posts and comments about women, but your yid brigade doesn't show up to complain about those. You always tell yourselves one way or another.
I'm still not a jew, you're just a bunch of autist communists who are still in the closet.