“Until this country is ready to actually have an honest conservation about race… we will always have moments like OJ Simpson.”
Moving right past the explicit threat of blacks murdering whites followed by jury nullification of black jurors…
What constitutes an “honest conversation about race”? We’ve done nothing but discuss racism for decades. We have entire departments in colleges, corporations, and governments that are dedicated to black racial grievances. The “discussion” surrounding racism couldn’t be more ubiquitous and anti-white.
Is an “honest discussion about racism” simply code for transfer of resources and opportunities? Because whites are now, on average, so deferential towards and tolerant of anti-social black behavior that it borders on suicidal. The government has injected trillions of dollars into black communities, to no benefit. Blacks enjoy preferential treatment in virtually every strata of western society, from hiring to lowerred requirements.
Does “an honest conversation about race” simply mean the destruction of white peoples, cultures, and nations? Whites are being demographically replaced across the western world, America included. White cultures are being marginalized and replaced by ghetto black culture. The steady destruction of “whiteness” is happening right before our eyes - and it still isn’t enough for these people. Because nothing ever will be.
This liberal black woman is offering a more persuasive argument for the necessity of a white ethnostate than any white supremacist ever has. If the only way to cease the obsession over racism is for whites to cease existing, then the best course of action for whites is to separate themselves. If whites are so racist and dangerous, then blacks should allow them to segregate themselves. Only then will “racism” be allowed to “heal” - or, you know, absence of proximity of diversity will result in absence of war.
But blacks won’t let whites segregate themselves. Everywhere there are whites, there are non-whites attempting to force “integration”. From majority white neighborhoods and schools to majority white nations, there are always blacks trying to force their way into these supposedly racist and dangerous spaces. Why? For resources. For money. For access to prosperous and functional communities. Communities they didn’t build and they won’t maintain.
At this point, America is dealing with a pathological, dysgenic, parasitic, and violent underclass who have been empowered to rule over the majority with flagrant anarcho-tyranny. American whites have proven to be the most tolerant/patient/cucked/lazy people in history. If any other well-armed racial majority had been treated this way at any point in history, they would have risen up and slaughtered their attackers years ago.
“Until this country is ready to actually have an honest conservation about race… we will always have moments like OJ Simpson.”
My takeaway from that statement was that the solution is to kick out everyone who isn't White. Racial homogeneity is the only path to a harmonious society, or at least one that isn't constantly trying to tear each other's throats out.
“Until this country is ready to actually have an honest conservation about race… we will always have moments like OJ Simpson.”
Moving right past the explicit threat of blacks murdering whites followed by jury nullification of black jurors…
What constitutes an “honest conversation about race”? We’ve done nothing but discuss racism for decades. We have entire departments in colleges, corporations, and governments that are dedicated to black racial grievances. The “discussion” surrounding racism couldn’t be more ubiquitous and anti-white.
Is an “honest discussion about racism” simply code for transfer of resources and opportunities? Because whites are now, on average, so deferential towards and tolerant of anti-social black behavior that it borders on suicidal. The government has injected trillions of dollars into black communities, to no benefit. Blacks enjoy preferential treatment in virtually every strata of western society, from hiring to lowerred requirements.
Does “an honest conversation about race” simply mean the destruction of white peoples, cultures, and nations? Whites are being demographically replaced across the western world, America included. White cultures are being marginalized and replaced by ghetto black culture. The steady destruction of “whiteness” is happening right before our eyes - and it still isn’t enough for these people. Because nothing ever will be.
This liberal black woman is offering a more persuasive argument for the necessity of a white ethnostate than any white supremacist ever has. If the only way to cease the obsession over racism is for whites to cease existing, then the best course of action for whites is to separate themselves. If whites are so racist and dangerous, then blacks should allow them to segregate themselves. Only then will “racism” be allowed to “heal” - or, you know, absence of proximity of diversity will result in absence of war.
But blacks won’t let whites segregate themselves. Everywhere there are whites, there are non-whites attempting to force “integration”. From majority white neighborhoods and schools to majority white nations, there are always blacks trying to force their way into these supposedly racist and dangerous spaces. Why? For resources. For money. For access to prosperous and functional communities. Communities they didn’t build and they won’t maintain.
At this point, America is dealing with a pathological, dysgenic, parasitic, and violent underclass who have been empowered to rule over the majority with flagrant anarcho-tyranny. American whites have proven to be the most tolerant/patient/cucked/lazy people in history. If any other well-armed racial majority had been treated this way at any point in history, they would have risen up and slaughtered their attackers years ago.
My takeaway from that statement was that the solution is to kick out everyone who isn't White. Racial homogeneity is the only path to a harmonious society, or at least one that isn't constantly trying to tear each other's throats out.
That's how the number got to 109 in the first place. Don't make our ancestor's mistakes.