Women just have to hear from proximate men that you're married to a babe, and some fuse pops in their brain and they find you interesting all of a sudden.
Married to a babe, dating their friend, their coworker's man... women view mating as a social hierarchy game, men view mating as a genetic game. This is why women talk about "dating out of his league" and men talk about "his girl has nice tits/ass/legs."
Said it before, say it again, the most attention I've ever gotten was the year after I broke up with a college ex. It seemed like a third of her sorority tried to make a pass at me.
Well that's the interesting part to me. None of them are within four points of my wife. And I mean not even close.
Many women seem to be indulging the delusion that their actual attractiveness is equivalent to whatever guy they can manage to bang. Nevermind that none of them have a chance, they just desperately want to think they do.
This is something hoe_math on YouTube talks about a lot. Modern women are skewed in their self-perception. They seem to think that because they got with a 10 once that they are a 10, and deserve all 10s, all the time. Meanwhile, a 10 guy can get a 10 woman-- an actual 10 woman-- but a woman who's a 6 and easy can get a 10 man... for a night or two.
Most women self-rate themselves about 2-3 points higher than they really are. Most women think that the average guy is a 3-4. In the end, you have 6s thinking they're 9s and 10s, trying to wife a 10, while Chad and Tyrone pump and dump her. While the average guy gets... not much.
Yeah. Men can delineate between what they are and what they can pull. Women seem to not, either deliberately/dishonestly, or pathologically.
Probably some combination of both. It'd be a mistake to grant them enough mental agency to suggest that it's entirely deliberate, but at the same time the female capacity for dishonesty is limitless.
What was the chris rock joke? A guy meets his friend's girl and goes "I want to meet a girl like her." A girl meets her friend's man and goes "I want him."
Married to a babe, dating their friend, their coworker's man... women view mating as a social hierarchy game, men view mating as a genetic game. This is why women talk about "dating out of his league" and men talk about "his girl has nice tits/ass/legs."
Said it before, say it again, the most attention I've ever gotten was the year after I broke up with a college ex. It seemed like a third of her sorority tried to make a pass at me.
Well that's the interesting part to me. None of them are within four points of my wife. And I mean not even close.
Many women seem to be indulging the delusion that their actual attractiveness is equivalent to whatever guy they can manage to bang. Nevermind that none of them have a chance, they just desperately want to think they do.
This is something hoe_math on YouTube talks about a lot. Modern women are skewed in their self-perception. They seem to think that because they got with a 10 once that they are a 10, and deserve all 10s, all the time. Meanwhile, a 10 guy can get a 10 woman-- an actual 10 woman-- but a woman who's a 6 and easy can get a 10 man... for a night or two.
Most women self-rate themselves about 2-3 points higher than they really are. Most women think that the average guy is a 3-4. In the end, you have 6s thinking they're 9s and 10s, trying to wife a 10, while Chad and Tyrone pump and dump her. While the average guy gets... not much.
Yeah. Men can delineate between what they are and what they can pull. Women seem to not, either deliberately/dishonestly, or pathologically.
Probably some combination of both. It'd be a mistake to grant them enough mental agency to suggest that it's entirely deliberate, but at the same time the female capacity for dishonesty is limitless.
What was the chris rock joke? A guy meets his friend's girl and goes "I want to meet a girl like her." A girl meets her friend's man and goes "I want him."