posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +12 / -3

Bald and Bankrupt has done some really interesting videos on the UK and his videos recently seem to be getting quite a bit of traction which is something that prompted me to post this thread. It should also let foreigners know exactly where my line of thinking is with regards both to leaving and also why yes, even a third world country is going to be much safer and nicer than the UK with current trajectory.

Now I just point out, this is an investment site I randomly looked up but it does a decent enough breakdown even though comparing a quick glance through at Rightmove it's a bit optimistic with the average rent because they're trying to sell you investments. However the rental prices are still retarded and are only going to go up.

This is primarily why I'm thinking of leaving, all the liberal hipster areas have retarded pricing and anywhere run down is simply completely abandoned. It looks like I'm setting myself up to go down the land chad and passport bro route which is kind of hilarious but I may as well make a shit ton of money ripping off hipsters who I hate anyway and stay abroad somewhere nice than stay stuck in this shithole and then if worse comes to worse I can always sell up if they start going full communist state here which I really think they will.

I'm very lucky, I didn't fall for the university scam because I got red pilled hard on economics by Ron Paul and Peter Schiff so basically I never pissed away my parents' money on a degree. I just thought I'd make this thread for the lulz because people might find it interesting my line of thinking on why moving to other countries versus living in the west is probably something everybody should consider.