I made my point in my first post: I would like sick people to wear a mask to reduce the chance of their germ infected airborn saliva particles from entering my body. When you hurl political insults at anyone who decides to do this, you are potentially punishing someone just for being courteous. I would like you to stop doing this so that society may improve somewhat. I don't want to degenerate into India where everyone is infecting everyone else with the maximum number of diseases at all times.
I used Japan as an example of a society where wearing a mask when you are sick is considered common courtesy. Your response was "I don't live in japan.". This gives off serious "but I did eat breakfast this morning" vibes, so I thought I would try walking you through a basic reasoning process, even though I knew this was probably a doomed effort, I held out hope.
Ok. If someone were to cough directly into your face, would you consider that rude?
Yes, because "don't cough directly into someone's face" is a common courtesy where I live.
Fortunately "wear a mask you fuckin' savage" and "cough directly into someone's face" aren't the only two options.
Ok. Do you think it is polite to cover your mouth with your hand or elbow when you cough?
Is this going somewhere? If so, perhaps you could just make your point without the Socratic dialog.
I made my point in my first post: I would like sick people to wear a mask to reduce the chance of their germ infected airborn saliva particles from entering my body. When you hurl political insults at anyone who decides to do this, you are potentially punishing someone just for being courteous. I would like you to stop doing this so that society may improve somewhat. I don't want to degenerate into India where everyone is infecting everyone else with the maximum number of diseases at all times.
I used Japan as an example of a society where wearing a mask when you are sick is considered common courtesy. Your response was "I don't live in japan.". This gives off serious "but I did eat breakfast this morning" vibes, so I thought I would try walking you through a basic reasoning process, even though I knew this was probably a doomed effort, I held out hope.