90% of the population of US do not see his blunders live. At most they will read an article about Republicans pouncing. They media will also frame things positive around Joe like recently framing him as a savior for Baltimore because he said they are going to use federal money to pay for the bridge. Or randomly insert stuff like Joe's stern message to Putin or other crap that makes him seem in control and strong.
....Do Americans automatically facepalm now by instinct whenever there's a picture of the president on screen?
90% of the population of US do not see his blunders live. At most they will read an article about Republicans pouncing. They media will also frame things positive around Joe like recently framing him as a savior for Baltimore because he said they are going to use federal money to pay for the bridge. Or randomly insert stuff like Joe's stern message to Putin or other crap that makes him seem in control and strong.
No, a lot of them believe that behind closed doors he is sharp and he just has a stutter. They believe in the Dark Brandon trope.
Unrelated slightly, has the rates of people falling for scams increased?
Well we are discussing Joe Biden