It's funny back then I was pretty naive like the other people. Hell I wasn't even aware there was a difference between jews and white. The only thing I knew was how one-sided the history seemed to be especially with the discussion of WW2 was. When I look back, I remember how blatant it felt something was off about it. If it wasn't for gamergate, I don't think I would hold extreme view as I am now. This meme sums me up.
It's funny back then I was pretty naive like the other people. Hell I wasn't even aware there was a difference between jews and white. The only thing I knew was how one-sided the history seemed to be especially with the discussion of WW2 was. When I look back, I remember how blatant it felt something was off about it. If it wasn't for gamergate, I don't think I would hold extreme view as I am now. This meme sums me up.