A white girl is in the hospital after she was mobbed by back students, and one of them beat her head on the pavement. The video has been making the rounds on X for the last few days, and some people are doing some digging.
Remember how race based discipline problems gave us the Parkland shooter and Treyvon Martin?
Well, it seems that St Louis suburb Hazelwood has the same policies in place:
Minneapolis has these polices, too, and teachers have been complaining constantly about being assaulted by their own students.
This started under Obama right? At least that was the first time I ever heard school discipline was racist
This whole thing is rooted in the No Child Left Behind act bullshit. Schools became about getting standardized tests scores high rather than making sure students learned stuff, when students couldn't pass they just lowered the bars, when shitty students failed they just passed them anyway to keep the 'graduation rate' high.
Parents wealthy enough to move to a better district or to homeschool their kid meant less money for the school district, making it harder for any kid who actually wanted to learn, which led to more students leaving. Since the vast majority of families that could afford to do this were white, this got branded as White Flight.
Instead of course-correcting the rot NCLB has done, they've decided the reason kids aren't thriving is racism. Kids have no discipline at school, and of course their parents don't give a crap either and think it's the school's job to raise their kids.
Thanks Bush!