A white girl is in the hospital after she was mobbed by back students, and one of them beat her head on the pavement. The video has been making the rounds on X for the last few days, and some people are doing some digging.
Remember how race based discipline problems gave us the Parkland shooter and Treyvon Martin?
Well, it seems that St Louis suburb Hazelwood has the same policies in place:
Minneapolis has these polices, too, and teachers have been complaining constantly about being assaulted by their own students.
Economy is an excuse and everyone knows it. What's really driving this is women's sense of "independence" which they find more important than the safety and quality of education of their children.
I know a woman right now raising 3 kids by herself on government assistance without any child support payments. She's in her 30s and has never worked a day in her life. According to US Stats, 30% of single mothers are unemployed and only 50% get child support so about 15% of single mothers have found a way to raise kid without working.
If 15% of single mothers can do it, I'm sure all mothers could manage it with a working husband.
If you actually do the math, kids and a wife are dirt cheap. A brand new truck costs more money a month than a woman and 3 kids. So buy an old used beater truck and support a wife + kids instead. Easy, done.
People make "economy" excuses time-and-time again but the fact of the matter is people have never been wealthier in the history of the world, yet now all of a sudden we need women to work to survive? Bullshit. Women don't want a man to take care of them. Women would rather pay other women to care for their kids in daycare and academia instead of making their life's work to raise their own kids and support a husband and it's all because women fear being financially dependent on a man more than anything else in this world. They could easily do it, if they wanted to. Women simply don't want to.
And it's for this reason I'll blame the mother when their kid gets killed at a public school. Home school and stop going to work.
To tack on. My salary was 22k when I got married. Wife did not work. We did fine.
This was post 2016 before somebody tries to hit me with the "Oh the times were different"