Scraping it doesn't get deleted posts, which are a huge repository of data that isn't available by scraping. As just one example, the entire history of The Donald would be available for an AI to train on with a switch telling it everything there is misinformation from Nazis.
Probably because reddit has made it exponentially harder to do just that. Likely for this exact reason.
There was that big kerfuffle a while back with reddit changing up it's API and breaking alot of stuff that all the tranny-jannies used to manage all the subreddits they lord over. This is just the end reason for it.
They changed their terms of service to disallow large scale scraping as I recall. A whole bunch of the tech subreddits did rolling blackouts for months over that shit. Thank god the more useful ones didn't go dark or IT infrastructure everywhere would have had more outages.
Why would you pay $60 million for a bunch of publicly available shit that you could scrape for free?
same reason art sells for what it does, it is a token to hide some other payment.
They're not being paid for this, they're being paid for something else. This is just the cover.
My guess is glowie money from the state for helping spy on them and censor for them.
Scraping it doesn't get deleted posts, which are a huge repository of data that isn't available by scraping. As just one example, the entire history of The Donald would be available for an AI to train on with a switch telling it everything there is misinformation from Nazis.
Probably because reddit has made it exponentially harder to do just that. Likely for this exact reason.
There was that big kerfuffle a while back with reddit changing up it's API and breaking alot of stuff that all the tranny-jannies used to manage all the subreddits they lord over. This is just the end reason for it.
They changed their terms of service to disallow large scale scraping as I recall. A whole bunch of the tech subreddits did rolling blackouts for months over that shit. Thank god the more useful ones didn't go dark or IT infrastructure everywhere would have had more outages.