68 Google: "memes about groups of people might be disturbing or hurtful" (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by Wizardslayer 1 year ago by Wizardslayer +70 / -2 26 comments download share 26 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Wow. I was about to be nuanced about this, and had the following typed up: "Not saying this is fake, but it's not popping up for me."
But then I decided to be thorough, and clicked "Images." The warning did indeed pop up. Man, I hate Modernity™.
I'm not shocked, or surprised, but certainly disappointed.
The weird part to me is they are protecting... sorcerors?
If I search for "Trump is a nazi meme"? No warning.
"Repuplicans are stupid meme"? No warning.
"Democrats are stupid meme"? No warning.
It could also be triggered by "hp lovecraft", since they've been trying to cancel him for a while?
I was curious, now. "hp lovecraft," nothing. "hp lovecraft meme," nothing. "hp lovecraft sorcerer meme," warning. They really are protecting sorcerers, I guess.
"sorcerer meme," warning. I'm trying to figure out the logic on this one!
"witch meme," "mage meme," "wizard meme," nothing. I grow increasingly confused.
Somewhat surprisingly, both "black people meme" and "white people meme" get warnings.
Maybe there is some fat sorcerer wannabe that works there, he takes personal offense to sorcerer memes, and has slipped this code into mainline?
Harry Dresden made a threat to the right people. It wasn't hard to make, he just promised to personally visit the server.