Not a lot of people realize that Alexandre Dumas was black, even though all they have to do is look at a photo of him and see the simian good looks of James Earl Jones or Yaphet Koto. This is one instance where I wouldn't complain about at least one of the musketeers being black, since maybe the writer himself saw him as such.
Lookat dis fuggin raysis cracka, shiet. Jaynne Austin be a Blak wamman name, foo. Betchu din nodat Mohsart wuz a brotha, too. Shiet, fuggin raysis crackas stealin errthang dat belongs to brothas. Shiet.
Not a lot of people realize that Alexandre Dumas was black, even though all they have to do is look at a photo of him and see the simian good looks of James Earl Jones or Yaphet Koto. This is one instance where I wouldn't complain about at least one of the musketeers being black, since maybe the writer himself saw him as such.