"THIS IS PORN" - Japanese Feminists Outraged Over Mie Kotsu Company Mascot - Techopse - Trading Enthusiasm for Anger
Feminists once again ousting themselves as being the real sex crazed perverts that seemingly perceive everything as being sexualized to shut down depictions of women that aren’t ugly orc-ish slobs. A Japanese taxicab company, Mie Kotsu Co, also known as “S...
Women shouldn't wear men's clothing
As a tomboy connoisseur, I strongly disagree.
Besides, I don't think the clothes she's wearing here are exclusively masculine.
It's feminine-styled but if you're alive in 2024 you should well know that if you don't enforce different social norms for men & women that you are setting yourself on the road to feminist takeover of critical infrastructure and inevitable tranny bullshit. Reasonable gender norms in clothing & behavior are essential and being a coomer over depictions of women in male clothing is sad.
Dialing those sexual norms back, how far would be enough for you? Modern-era tomboyism traces its roots to the mid-late 1800s.
It's reasonable to suggest that women cover their legs. I just don't give a shit how that's accomplished. Pants, long skirt, trashbags, whichever.
IMO no uniforms worn by men.
That’s probably why they decided to attack this mascot. Normally they would depict a character like her in a skirt, but I bet that the feminists noticed the pants, most likely as an attempt to appease activists like them. And like any good activist, if they smell weakness, they will swarm.
As a man that enjoys Helltaker's women, I resent that!