Today's black pill moment:
No one, anywhere, should cooperate with the FBI, about anything, ever again. If you know an FBI agent socially, tell them you won't ever talk to them again, and tell them why.
Today's black pill moment:
No one, anywhere, should cooperate with the FBI, about anything, ever again. If you know an FBI agent socially, tell them you won't ever talk to them again, and tell them why.
And, even if it is entirely bunk conspiracy theories, you've just ensured that every single person who reads this or hears about it will firmly believe those conspiracy theories for as long as he can breathe.
How is it the rest were not victims of widespread conspiracies when everyone had a field day on social media at every single one of them.
That one guy in the facepaint got a nickname ffs.
Because Orange Man Bad, you bigot.