I watched Sound of Freedom and it was a good movie, but everytime I watch or read something about human trafficking/modern slavery it really angers me because I think of all the kids that could have been saved if the mainstream media shined the light on that topic instead of glorifying lgbt causes, made up racial grievances, or feminist cyrbabies to name a few. When it comes to open borders I do feel there is an agenda to flood western countries with the third world or replace the dominant population (whether it is the WEF, Bildebergs, CFR, Club of Rome, etc.) but I do think another aspect of it is human trafficking because they use kids and pretend to be their parents which was why they had that separation done that the media went crazy about (kids in cages). Add in all those conspiracy theories regarding elites and pedophilia and there is quite a bit of smoke.
As for the modern day slavery thing, I remember I asked a guy who was lecturing me about American slavery why he doesn't focus his energy on donating or volunteering for organizations that help victims of human trafficking/modern day slavery. He told me I was deflecting and didn't want to acknowledge America's past. I just shook my head and walked away.
What the fuck does she think capitalisms is?
Have you asked her? Does she even know?
Capitalism, the term, was invented by Marx. Is she honestly a Marxist who thinks that child trafficking will end if we are all good little socialists?
Ask her: "If you Marxists are content with letting thousands of kids get raped every night to bring about the Workers' Revolutions, what will you do to stay in power?"
Neo Marxists are unironically evil. Calling her one of Stalin's Useful Idiot's is too kind.
We’ve tried talking about capitalism and it didn’t go well. She said it’s all exploitation. She’s a client that pays me and I asked her if she thought she was exploiting me. She said that’s different.
Like a lot of people, she seems to believe things mostly based on who believes it and their credentials.
She thinks with her feelings.