Hey guys, I think the best way to get Imp to stop being such a buzzkill is to send him to the one place free of Women: The Moon!
Feel free to toss a few bucks my way, I’ll hit up that feminist cuck Elon and see if we can’t get him a 1 way ticket.
Hey guys, I think the best way to get Imp to stop being such a buzzkill is to send him to the one place free of Women: The Moon!
Feel free to toss a few bucks my way, I’ll hit up that feminist cuck Elon and see if we can’t get him a 1 way ticket.
I've decided to fund raise for that Vietnamese Messiah guy.
Trust me, there’s plenty of bitches on the moon.
lol. Now that's something I'd pay to see. Imp flies to the moon, breaths a sigh of relief at having finally escaped the menace and steps out of the ship only to see that crew of chicks at 1:06 lined up ready to throw stuff at him.
lol, lmao even
I tried to save him, alas