If you ignore for a moment that generative image AI will most likely utterly decimate the digital arts industry, it's kind of refreshing to see artistic expressions without the usual Tumblr degeneracy. It only took a blanket ban on explicit sexual content to accomplish this.
I suppose it'll crop up again when the usual suspects(Tumblr degenerates) manage to circumvent the ban on sexual content, but by then AI image generators may be good enough to create 'deep fakes/undress simulacra', removing the demand for illustrated pornographic content altogether.
Another factor of influence is that a new and different demographic is tinkering with artistic expression (through AI.)
I absolutely love making my own shitty AI art. I've even started getting into the hang of training focused models. My stuff is absolute shit compared to what many others make. Still love it.
If it helps you're probably still doing a better job than Greg Land.
How he keeps getting work I don't know. Then again maybe because he traces real faces so much he's that much cheaper than other actual artists who spend more time actually drawing.
He's doing the art on yet another X-Men title! However it's looking like it will be shit for story reasons long before the issues with Land need brought up.