Hadn't heard of this, what's the story. Were they specifically targeted? Stray bullet while aiming at someone else? Either way, what a fucking piece of shit. RIP, and that poor family. How old was the kid, anyway?
It's amazing the difference in coverage, too. You'll rarely see stuff like this, or groups of blacks beating white kids to death, or groups of Muslims killing white kids, and the like, on national news.
It's just not a thing. But if one white person ever kills or inconveniences any nonwhite, no matter the circumstances, it's national news.
It's it not just interracial. White cop unjustly kills white person? You never hear about it? Black cop unjustly kills black person? You'll never hear about it, unless they can blame Hwite Supremacy for it, somehow.
It's just so frustrating. White people are obviously being targeted in a bit way, but you can't even mention that without being labeled a literal Nazi.
It's utterly insane, especially from a historical perspective. Not sure any race in history has been this self destructive, either. Modern whites may have been convinced to have the most outgroup preference of any race in all of human history. It's pretty likely, as in the past races obviously looked out for their own group, and certainly no modern group is as outgroup focused as whites.
It's just a fucking terrible situation, where saying "hey, I want my own group to do well," a luxury afforded to every other race, and every other group in history, is now labeled as hate. That's not going to solve anything, that's just going to cause more division. Which is probably the plan anyway.
Remember last summer when those 5 black cops beat that black guy? The media tried so hard to tie it to white supremacy and came up with outlandish explanations. If that isn’t proof of pushing an agenda I don’t know what it. Also when there is a shooting but the story quickly dies.
I remember thinking when it was first reported thinking “here we go again” and then when it was revealed all the cops were black I remember thinking they aren’t seriously going to try to blame white supremacy but they tried. Story died because they couldn’t milk it.
Hadn't heard of this, what's the story. Were they specifically targeted? Stray bullet while aiming at someone else? Either way, what a fucking piece of shit. RIP, and that poor family. How old was the kid, anyway?
It's amazing the difference in coverage, too. You'll rarely see stuff like this, or groups of blacks beating white kids to death, or groups of Muslims killing white kids, and the like, on national news.
It's just not a thing. But if one white person ever kills or inconveniences any nonwhite, no matter the circumstances, it's national news.
It's it not just interracial. White cop unjustly kills white person? You never hear about it? Black cop unjustly kills black person? You'll never hear about it, unless they can blame Hwite Supremacy for it, somehow.
It's just so frustrating. White people are obviously being targeted in a bit way, but you can't even mention that without being labeled a literal Nazi.
It's utterly insane, especially from a historical perspective. Not sure any race in history has been this self destructive, either. Modern whites may have been convinced to have the most outgroup preference of any race in all of human history. It's pretty likely, as in the past races obviously looked out for their own group, and certainly no modern group is as outgroup focused as whites.
It's just a fucking terrible situation, where saying "hey, I want my own group to do well," a luxury afforded to every other race, and every other group in history, is now labeled as hate. That's not going to solve anything, that's just going to cause more division. Which is probably the plan anyway.
Remember last summer when those 5 black cops beat that black guy? The media tried so hard to tie it to white supremacy and came up with outlandish explanations. If that isn’t proof of pushing an agenda I don’t know what it. Also when there is a shooting but the story quickly dies.
Which is why that story died after a week. They realized they couldn't tie it into the George Floyd hysteria, so they shut up about it.
I remember thinking when it was first reported thinking “here we go again” and then when it was revealed all the cops were black I remember thinking they aren’t seriously going to try to blame white supremacy but they tried. Story died because they couldn’t milk it.