You have a valid point, but you're also being overly simplistic. Let's start with your examples.
Being against Palestine does not mean you automatically support Israel
This issue in general is just super divisive, and is bringing out the the worst in people on all sides. That said, the people most vehemently against Palestine are also vehemently in favor of Israel. There's no point trying to dodge that.
Laughing at TERFs and not supporting them does not make you pro-trans ( Imagine actually thinking this and being serious about it lol )
Kind of similar to the above; the people most outspoken against the TERFs (who are indeed not our allies, and we should be wary of) also run nonstop defense for the the transes. It's not that one stance has to imply the other, but the people engaging on these issues have a very real pattern.
Being against AI translation does not make you pro-SJW localiser
Was anyone saying that? If so, that's pretty silly.
Not wanting to ban porn does not explicitly make you 'pro porn' and anti-family ( Again, some retards here actually believe this )
Agreed, and I've taken fire for this myself. It's a charged situation, and people (mostly the anti-porn side) take it too far.
However, calling people retards and SJWs for having opinions you don't agree with, and having causes they are passionate about that you disagree with, isn't helpful. I feel like there could have been better ways to word this where it doesn't seem like you're attacking large portions of the users here...which never goes over well anywhere.
I do think it needs to be addressed a bit because they're now just going after anyone and making shit up about them.
I've seen a little of that, and it is a bit worrying for the future, but do you have examples of people making shit up?
Don't let the annoying shits prevent you from having a nuanced opinion on anything.
Again, overly simplistic but, yes, people should be able to have nuanced opinions without people jumping down their throat.
The Jack Thompson types are trying their best to make a bit of a comeback for 2024 it seems and pulling the SJW thing of "Hello fellow kids I love muh vidya games too now here's why you're a degenerate".
Saying things are degenerate and maybe they should be less degenerate is not inherently "Jack Thompson adjacent" or anything. I get your point, but it's also pretty dismissive of genuine concerns that I personally think are often pretty valid.
Also worth noting when it comes to the community these people are the least likely to post any actual gaming content.
And? This isn't a gaming forum, it's all but explicitly a gaming and culture war forum. KiA2 shot off specifically because half-KiA was stifling discussion and getting more and more censorious and controlling, trying to force it into only a gaming/entertainment board. From the very start, KiA/GG has been about more than gaming. It's always been about the broader culture war, and how the various people (leftists, SJWs, journos, media, politicians) in power are all lying to us and trying to force their own beliefs onto us.
If you want KiA2 to be half-KiA (which I know is not what you said), that is literally subversive. We're a free speech board, the whole point is to talk about things beyond just gaming.
In conclusion, I agree with you that speech shouldn't be stifled, and I agree that your concerns are valid, and the growing stifling of speech here by a rabid subset of the userbase is a worrying possibility, and not something I want, but I also think many of your complaints are, ironically, that there are too many people here who don't share your views. Yes, they break it down into us-vs-them a lot, but you're doing the same thing, while also dismissing their opinions.
the usual culprits who are pussying out and are mad at being called out on their behaviour.
This shit doesn't help. It also reeks of "mindreading," where you act like you know what's in their minds. How are they being pussies, and why are you taking credit for making them "mad?" Your whole main post and attitude in it just comes across as acting like you're better than the people you don't like. Which, again, is not helpful, especially given that, as I said, I think some of your core points do have merit.
I'm not being annoyed at you or anything on this particular point because I know you're actually one of the more reasonable ones around here...
Thanks, but it's also a bit of a backhanded compliment, and continues the trend of attacking everyone you disagree with. Me? I'm "actually one of the more reasonable ones," unlike...those people! Why not just stop caring what other people think, and say your piece? There are plenty of people I disagree with here, I don't feel the need to make threads calling them out. Sometimes people disagree, sometimes they downvote, sometimes I'd even say it's unfair. But I can coexist with people, even if sometimes they act like assholes.
...but I feel like I have to just clarify my position of hating both the TERFs and the trans activists.
Nah, wasn't talking about you.
I find it remarkable that the right seems to now be actively trying to court TERFs and are attacking the trannies from the left which is such a right wing thing to do and why I mock them regularly. You see this tactic being frequently used by mainstream conservatives in the UK.
Yup, and it fully deserves mockery. "Conservatives" acting like they care deeply about women's sports is peak cringe, and really stupid. They keep courting out and out liberals to criticize the trannies, when all you have to do is stick to your guns and defend reality; men are men, women are women. But they can't help but dip into the cringe, "oh, this liberal agrees with me, that must mean I'm right!" Yuck.
It's stupid, and incredibly damaging to the right. The right can ally with TERFs on the occasional issue, but the right needs to stop adopting their beliefs. TERFs are not our friends, and the only thing I'm guaranteed to agree with them on is that women and men are distinct and different. Anything past that point is up in the air, and I'm certainly not going to fit my beliefs around theirs just because they agree with me on one single issue.
Here though? It looks like the usual culprits have come out of the woodwork to prove my point. Kind of confirms my suspicion that it's the exact same bunch that's following me around on threads I post on and being weirdos.
Oh man, I get so tired of this. So many users here with minority views act like there's some big conspiracy against them. For the record, I have nothing against you, but this attitude stinks. Did it occur to you that maybe, just maybe, you and other users here end up on the same threads? I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone is following you around.
it's funny how you say I'm just complimenting people who agree with me.
Not sure what you mean by that, I never said that.
You can't be polite with them and you can't reason with them
Sure you can, with a bit of tact. Acting like they're subhuman retards and you're better than them doesn't really work though.
Also, I absolutely encourage you to try and have a disagreement with them so I can have a laugh, they'll probably treat you exactly the same.
I have disagreed with them. Sometimes they're assholes, sometimes it's fine. You also put a target on your back when you make threads complaining about them or - and I'm not saying you do this, but others certainly do - call them "stormfags" and the like. That just gets old and is, ironically, the very "SJW mindset" you're talking about. Plenty of the people "targeted" by the "right wing SJWs" started shit first by being assholes. Both sides can be assholes, but often the people on the one side don't realize their own side is also being assholes.
I think you're reading too much into a "them" vs "you" mindset. I've had a few disagreements with more prudish sorts on here too, as have others. It's a subset fraction that you'll find in both political wings, each camp holding to their own kind of reasoning.
I try not to get overly focused on it on here though. Plus I know that a fair number of people, even on here, aren't entirely on board with that kind of hardline stance. And at least at this juncture it's not really worth getting into drawn out brawls with those hardliners over petty disagreements.
You have a valid point, but you're also being overly simplistic. Let's start with your examples.
This issue in general is just super divisive, and is bringing out the the worst in people on all sides. That said, the people most vehemently against Palestine are also vehemently in favor of Israel. There's no point trying to dodge that.
Kind of similar to the above; the people most outspoken against the TERFs (who are indeed not our allies, and we should be wary of) also run nonstop defense for the the transes. It's not that one stance has to imply the other, but the people engaging on these issues have a very real pattern.
Was anyone saying that? If so, that's pretty silly.
Agreed, and I've taken fire for this myself. It's a charged situation, and people (mostly the anti-porn side) take it too far.
However, calling people retards and SJWs for having opinions you don't agree with, and having causes they are passionate about that you disagree with, isn't helpful. I feel like there could have been better ways to word this where it doesn't seem like you're attacking large portions of the users here...which never goes over well anywhere.
I've seen a little of that, and it is a bit worrying for the future, but do you have examples of people making shit up?
Again, overly simplistic but, yes, people should be able to have nuanced opinions without people jumping down their throat.
Saying things are degenerate and maybe they should be less degenerate is not inherently "Jack Thompson adjacent" or anything. I get your point, but it's also pretty dismissive of genuine concerns that I personally think are often pretty valid.
And? This isn't a gaming forum, it's all but explicitly a gaming and culture war forum. KiA2 shot off specifically because half-KiA was stifling discussion and getting more and more censorious and controlling, trying to force it into only a gaming/entertainment board. From the very start, KiA/GG has been about more than gaming. It's always been about the broader culture war, and how the various people (leftists, SJWs, journos, media, politicians) in power are all lying to us and trying to force their own beliefs onto us.
If you want KiA2 to be half-KiA (which I know is not what you said), that is literally subversive. We're a free speech board, the whole point is to talk about things beyond just gaming.
In conclusion, I agree with you that speech shouldn't be stifled, and I agree that your concerns are valid, and the growing stifling of speech here by a rabid subset of the userbase is a worrying possibility, and not something I want, but I also think many of your complaints are, ironically, that there are too many people here who don't share your views. Yes, they break it down into us-vs-them a lot, but you're doing the same thing, while also dismissing their opinions.
This shit doesn't help. It also reeks of "mindreading," where you act like you know what's in their minds. How are they being pussies, and why are you taking credit for making them "mad?" Your whole main post and attitude in it just comes across as acting like you're better than the people you don't like. Which, again, is not helpful, especially given that, as I said, I think some of your core points do have merit.
Thanks, but it's also a bit of a backhanded compliment, and continues the trend of attacking everyone you disagree with. Me? I'm "actually one of the more reasonable ones," unlike...those people! Why not just stop caring what other people think, and say your piece? There are plenty of people I disagree with here, I don't feel the need to make threads calling them out. Sometimes people disagree, sometimes they downvote, sometimes I'd even say it's unfair. But I can coexist with people, even if sometimes they act like assholes.
Nah, wasn't talking about you.
Yup, and it fully deserves mockery. "Conservatives" acting like they care deeply about women's sports is peak cringe, and really stupid. They keep courting out and out liberals to criticize the trannies, when all you have to do is stick to your guns and defend reality; men are men, women are women. But they can't help but dip into the cringe, "oh, this liberal agrees with me, that must mean I'm right!" Yuck.
It's stupid, and incredibly damaging to the right. The right can ally with TERFs on the occasional issue, but the right needs to stop adopting their beliefs. TERFs are not our friends, and the only thing I'm guaranteed to agree with them on is that women and men are distinct and different. Anything past that point is up in the air, and I'm certainly not going to fit my beliefs around theirs just because they agree with me on one single issue.
Oh man, I get so tired of this. So many users here with minority views act like there's some big conspiracy against them. For the record, I have nothing against you, but this attitude stinks. Did it occur to you that maybe, just maybe, you and other users here end up on the same threads? I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone is following you around.
Not sure what you mean by that, I never said that.
Sure you can, with a bit of tact. Acting like they're subhuman retards and you're better than them doesn't really work though.
I have disagreed with them. Sometimes they're assholes, sometimes it's fine. You also put a target on your back when you make threads complaining about them or - and I'm not saying you do this, but others certainly do - call them "stormfags" and the like. That just gets old and is, ironically, the very "SJW mindset" you're talking about. Plenty of the people "targeted" by the "right wing SJWs" started shit first by being assholes. Both sides can be assholes, but often the people on the one side don't realize their own side is also being assholes.
I think you're reading too much into a "them" vs "you" mindset. I've had a few disagreements with more prudish sorts on here too, as have others. It's a subset fraction that you'll find in both political wings, each camp holding to their own kind of reasoning.
I try not to get overly focused on it on here though. Plus I know that a fair number of people, even on here, aren't entirely on board with that kind of hardline stance. And at least at this juncture it's not really worth getting into drawn out brawls with those hardliners over petty disagreements.