Hello all. I’m seeking advice/threads to follow to deal with in the Globohomo 500 world. I work white/blue collar and ended up in such a place, where since pre-Obama the stench of sjw starting stinking, and it’s only gotten worse. Eventually Ill move to some hard blue collar work, but for now this is the best source of fiat, and I look forward to removing my competence from the system eventually.
There has as of yet been no corporate wide pronoun or anti whiteness sort of training, but I’ve been waiting for that shoe to drop for 4+ years. But, what I do know, is the unfireables are absolutely noticeable, raises and promos for years have been tilted, especially in the last 3 years.
Assuming I was going to toil within the belly of the beast for some amount of time longer, what are blogs/books/lines of thought to poke the system with? I 100% understand that if James Damore got removed for his lines of criticism what the landscape is, but the absurdities and competence loss continually increase in ways which are undeniable.
The jewish golem problem is a lever we must make use of while the ground is unstable.
First you need a base you can maneuver from and that means building relationships up the chain of command. The enemy operates by isolating counter-revolutionaries and making them into untouchables.
Take a page from their playbook. Stop fighting against ideas, start fighting against people who hold those ideas. Identify the enemy and do whatever you can to make her life as difficult as possible without calling attention to yourself for doing so. It is a dirty way to fight but when the enemy has weaponized decency against us it is the tool we have remaining.
The goal isn't winning, because we are long past that. The goal is to gum up the gears until the machine collapses under it's own incompetence.
Not a chance this will work. The 'chain of command' will choose its own hide over you. But this is a good idea in any case. If you're well-liked and are productive, it will be less likely that you'll fired for any case than if everyone hates you and you do nothing.
But having fore warning might help you.
"I can't stop it but I like you so here's what happening when you come into work tomorrow" is better then nothing.