Honestly, there's no point even going over this. The level of discrepancy between what you believe and what they think you believe is so distant it can't be immediately understood by anyone on the right.
Some things I've learned dealing with some Leftist relatives recently:
Trump ordered the overthrow of the election on January 6th
Jordan Peterson is evil because of his insane homophobic rants, and his demand for the extermination of gays and transpeople. "I listened to his lectures"
The Heritage Foundation opposes race mixing
Andrew Tate rapes, beats, and traffics women as sex slaves
The Christian concept of marriage without divorce and monogamy has lead us to the social collapse we have today
As a result of psychological conditioning, they are very quick to anger on specific subjects, but it can very which ones person-by-person
The Neo-Liberal order is necessary for our protection
Demograpic replacement is inevitable because it is necessary to maintain the Neo-Liberal order which is (again) necessary for our protection and status in the US.
People are fundamentally evil or stupid and should be controlled for their own benefit.
They are talking to themselves. They no reference for anything we believe.
However, I have found several other things that are useful in talking to them:
Be upfront & confident, but not arrogant. State clearly that you've come to your position from evidence and you aren't susceptible to emotional tactics. This will simply eliminate an entire avenue of approach, and most of the time, they just won't try to manipulate you.
Don't use labels or triggers. Only talk about the specific ideas in minute detail, and you'll find they typically agree with you. If you avoid the keywords that they are conditioned to respond to, they'll resort to a well-conditioned trope that you could call 'algorithmic thinking'. "IF "Trump" Then execute function.
Explain their position back to them, so they understand that you aren't just shutting them down, but you are actively listening. (This defeats the 'ignorant rightist' trope in their head).
Explain yourself, not someone else. This isolates the conversation down to their personal relationship with you, which can override algorithmic thinking
Sometimes they will have views that are down-right ultra-conservative as if they heard a lecture from Julius Evola. It's jarring, but you can either use it to show you are more moderate by explaining their position is more aligned with rightist positions that you didn't pursue; or you can tell them that it is basically "okay to have right-wing ideas" so that they can tolerate rightist concepts in their head without resorting to algorithmic thinking
The one thing I know for sure is that wherever they are getting their information from, it's absolutely poisoned, and the psychological conditioning in it is what makes speaking to them nearly impossible without using some of the above techniques. And that is intentional.
It's even harder when they claim to have personal experience with the Right via family or friends. I had a coworker (one who wanted to get his <10yo child jabbed) once say "You should have seen my facebook feed this week, all my relatives are saying there are 5G transmitters in the vaccines. These are the Trump voters."
I imagine trying to explain how government/ngo/dnc/corporate botnet psyops promote conspiracy theories among right-wingers to make them seem crazy would make me sound like another crazy.
I've never understood the whole 5G thing. I have no idea where it came from, and I never saw anyone on the dissident right talking about it. I know that QAnon profited from, what amounts to, Boomer Numerology.
And yeah, I had difficulty explaining something similar to the people I know regarding Andrew Tate.
"Think about, he got arrested by Romania, one of the most corrupt countries in the world. They had to have had something on him because otherwise they could have been paid to ignore it."
"... And because it's one of the most corrupt countries in the world, it would be easy for a forgein government to target an individual due to that corruption"
"Why would the US government even care about someone like Andrew Tate?"
As I tried to explain it, it was hard to explain that the establishment is so wildly obsessed with cultural influence that they are targeting geo-political nobodies like Andrew Tate. The madness we can document from the establishment is so crazy that the Useful Idiots don't believe it because it's too wild. Kinda like the whole Bohemian Grove thing. Rich kids having crazy, weirdo, ceremonies that pretend to sacrifice babies to ancient evil gods is certainly bizarre; but we know it happened, and it's to make sure that there is blackmailable material against these young people as they ascend into positions of power. But normies and Useful Idiots don't really know that. So, unfortunately, you sound like Alex Jones when describing the actual events to people. ... because he was right.
Hypochondriacs have been crying nonsense about cellphone and wi-fi radiation before this, so it's not too surprising that they or similarly obnoxious successors would say the same of 5G.
Honestly, there's no point even going over this. The level of discrepancy between what you believe and what they think you believe is so distant it can't be immediately understood by anyone on the right.
Some things I've learned dealing with some Leftist relatives recently:
They are talking to themselves. They no reference for anything we believe.
However, I have found several other things that are useful in talking to them:
The one thing I know for sure is that wherever they are getting their information from, it's absolutely poisoned, and the psychological conditioning in it is what makes speaking to them nearly impossible without using some of the above techniques. And that is intentional.
It's even harder when they claim to have personal experience with the Right via family or friends. I had a coworker (one who wanted to get his <10yo child jabbed) once say "You should have seen my facebook feed this week, all my relatives are saying there are 5G transmitters in the vaccines. These are the Trump voters."
I imagine trying to explain how government/ngo/dnc/corporate botnet psyops promote conspiracy theories among right-wingers to make them seem crazy would make me sound like another crazy.
I've never understood the whole 5G thing. I have no idea where it came from, and I never saw anyone on the dissident right talking about it. I know that QAnon profited from, what amounts to, Boomer Numerology.
And yeah, I had difficulty explaining something similar to the people I know regarding Andrew Tate.
"Think about, he got arrested by Romania, one of the most corrupt countries in the world. They had to have had something on him because otherwise they could have been paid to ignore it."
"... And because it's one of the most corrupt countries in the world, it would be easy for a forgein government to target an individual due to that corruption"
"Why would the US government even care about someone like Andrew Tate?"
As I tried to explain it, it was hard to explain that the establishment is so wildly obsessed with cultural influence that they are targeting geo-political nobodies like Andrew Tate. The madness we can document from the establishment is so crazy that the Useful Idiots don't believe it because it's too wild. Kinda like the whole Bohemian Grove thing. Rich kids having crazy, weirdo, ceremonies that pretend to sacrifice babies to ancient evil gods is certainly bizarre; but we know it happened, and it's to make sure that there is blackmailable material against these young people as they ascend into positions of power. But normies and Useful Idiots don't really know that. So, unfortunately, you sound like Alex Jones when describing the actual events to people. ... because he was right.
Hypochondriacs have been crying nonsense about cellphone and wi-fi radiation before this, so it's not too surprising that they or similarly obnoxious successors would say the same of 5G.
Well, the original stuff with cellphones could be pretty bad back in the 90's. They certainly got your ear really warm.