posted ago by m0r1arty ago by m0r1arty +20 / -0

With all the Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw leaving The Escapist news I was wondering if there are any other 'journalists' from back in the day still in the industry and Phil just popped into my head due to his odd behaviour on getting scoops and/or attention.

I know he's changed his Facebook name to Phil Del Rey recently (Some singer I think he likes' surname) but I've not seen any of his articles - in gaming at least.

Any other popular writers from back then who we should see what they are up to now?

I doubt any who are still writing will be still in the videogames exclusive group and everyone is allowed to get on with their careers regardless of where they stood in the Gamergate days. Just a friendly recap to see how they are getting on.

Even she who inspired the Fauci Ouchey must have moved onto something new and fresher for her spirits..