I don't mind checking the river to see who's corpses have floated by, but I really don't care about propaganda aparatniks who shilled for the machine a decade ago. Their obscurity speaks for itself.
EDIT: I'm looking through an archive of the journalists on Deepfreeze.it. I guess I have to ask who this guy is/was again? I don't see him on that list.
I guess I can see how the nameless mooks 'getting away with it' might stick in your craw. The reality of their being nothing but fodder for the machine is plenty soul-crushing without us adding to it, IMHO.
Literally who?
I don't mind checking the river to see who's corpses have floated by, but I really don't care about propaganda aparatniks who shilled for the machine a decade ago. Their obscurity speaks for itself.
EDIT: I'm looking through an archive of the journalists on Deepfreeze.it. I guess I have to ask who this guy is/was again? I don't see him on that list.
I guess I can see how the nameless mooks 'getting away with it' might stick in your craw. The reality of their being nothing but fodder for the machine is plenty soul-crushing without us adding to it, IMHO.