I was thinking of getting Shenmue 1-3 on Steam because it’s a game I always wanted to play but didn’t have a Dreamcast (was a loyal Sony guy before joining the PC Master Race). Is it a fun game or should I save my money?
Also, I’ve mentioned before that I love the dynasty warriors series. Any other games with that sort of fighting style? I wish it would expand to other parts of the globe. I know it’s nerdy but in the second one I thought it was really cool that it had an encyclopedia with info about the real life of each character. Romance of the Three Kingdoms could make a great mini series
That's why I called it a schizophrenic breakdown of a game.
And I've actually 100%'d it plural times, and am of the opinion that the meme of how bad it is is far greater than how bad it actually is. People act like its some unplayable mess, when it really isn't and takes only a modest amount of thinking of "hey I shouldn't use magic on the red ones because they reflect" and "oh I don't actually need to kill every single enemy in my path" and "man I want to use my dragon right now, but that would go poorly."
As shown by the man responsible for the meme himself, Mr. DarkId, calling it a grindfest when grinding is at no point required unless you really suck at it (as it only gets you more health) or are going for Ending E, which you should have a guide open if that's your intent and with so there isn't much grind either. You figure out jump attacks have max speed regardless of weapon, so you use the heaviest (Hymir's Finger) weapon you have as soon as you can to kill everything in between spamming Arioch's Magic because summons don't reflect. At which point it literally becomes Dynasty Warrior's level mindless clearing.
Drakengard is one of the oldest examples of "people get their opinions from Ecelebs" and repeating it over and over. Its certainly a 5/10 game to play, because its boring for 4/5 levels, but its not some completely broken mess.