I'm old enough to remember when you had to be smart enough to operate a computer and have the interest to get on the internet. Now, every fucktard has a connection and a camera. Lowering the barrier to entry was a mistake.
The technology was a gate that ensured a minimum level of intelligence in everyone you interacted with. It was a much better place then and I miss it more and more every single day. Now there's nowhere you can go to escape the hordes of idiots who are too stupid to live.
Women having access to the internet in general ought to be illegal, or at least socially unacceptable.
Sir! My based detector is broken! These readings can't be correct!
I'm old enough to remember when you had to be smart enough to operate a computer and have the interest to get on the internet. Now, every fucktard has a connection and a camera. Lowering the barrier to entry was a mistake.
The technology was a gate that ensured a minimum level of intelligence in everyone you interacted with. It was a much better place then and I miss it more and more every single day. Now there's nowhere you can go to escape the hordes of idiots who are too stupid to live.