I'm not going to support Zionism to own the BBC, which is the implication you are going for. You faggots can never make direct arguments, always the Finkelthink bullshit instead.
You and your ilk are retarded, and don't have enough brain cells between all of you to make a coherent point because all you can do is screech about "muh jews".
You and your faggot friends can circlejerk each other raw, never realizing you're useful idiots for the left. Maybe one of you can grow a second braincell and figure it out.
The coherent points are really simple, actually. Israel uses the US and the rest of the West as a dumping ground for Palestinians it forcibly removes. I don't want Palestinian refugees dumped in my country. Opposing Zionism is therefore critical.
Israel funded Hamas to divide Gaza and The West Bank and undermine the PA. Since it funded Hamas, it can't have a moral high ground over it.
Just remember guys, somehow supporting hamas is pro jew, or something...
After all, the jews control everything according to the local brainlets
I'm not going to support Zionism to own the BBC, which is the implication you are going for. You faggots can never make direct arguments, always the Finkelthink bullshit instead.
You and your ilk are retarded, and don't have enough brain cells between all of you to make a coherent point because all you can do is screech about "muh jews".
You and your faggot friends can circlejerk each other raw, never realizing you're useful idiots for the left. Maybe one of you can grow a second braincell and figure it out.
The coherent points are really simple, actually. Israel uses the US and the rest of the West as a dumping ground for Palestinians it forcibly removes. I don't want Palestinian refugees dumped in my country. Opposing Zionism is therefore critical.
Israel funded Hamas to divide Gaza and The West Bank and undermine the PA. Since it funded Hamas, it can't have a moral high ground over it.
Look how simple and direct that is.
"everyone who disagrees with me and calls me out is a jew"
Okay retard