I'm winning where I have scope and influence. I'm not a fucking Senator.
We don't live in a Liberal Republic, that was taken form us and I'd trying to return us to it. We're living in a Fabian Socialist Kleptocracy. My issue is that you want to live in a National Socialist Kleptocracy, so long as it's one where you are in charge.
You have no Senators and never will, at least if your stated beliefs are genuine (X). No one is going to rally around minarchism or some other gay shit like that except a bunch of useless nerds from lolbertarian online hang outs. You can rally people around things like the rapid approach to record breaking black-on-white murders. That's why it is such a repressed, taboo topic.
I said I am not a Senator. Not sure why you're moving onto "having" senators.
That being said, American Nazism only had success while it was being funded by the German Government, and it's bastardization into White Nationalism only really lead it to being enveloped by rampant criminality, and assassinations of their own leadership. Soooo, I'm not going to accept your judgement on this shit.
Defend yourself? It's internet posts. tyler_the_creator.png
Effective? Look at what's going on in the country now. They're winning. They're winning and you're losing. You don't even acknowledge that.
It sounds like you don't think we live in a Liberal Republic after all.
I'm winning where I have scope and influence. I'm not a fucking Senator.
We don't live in a Liberal Republic, that was taken form us and I'd trying to return us to it. We're living in a Fabian Socialist Kleptocracy. My issue is that you want to live in a National Socialist Kleptocracy, so long as it's one where you are in charge.
You have no Senators and never will, at least if your stated beliefs are genuine (X). No one is going to rally around minarchism or some other gay shit like that except a bunch of useless nerds from lolbertarian online hang outs. You can rally people around things like the rapid approach to record breaking black-on-white murders. That's why it is such a repressed, taboo topic.
I said I am not a Senator. Not sure why you're moving onto "having" senators.
That being said, American Nazism only had success while it was being funded by the German Government, and it's bastardization into White Nationalism only really lead it to being enveloped by rampant criminality, and assassinations of their own leadership. Soooo, I'm not going to accept your judgement on this shit.