51 Contrary to popular belief, it is the sexually busy chads, not the sexually desperate and frustrated incels, who have the most misogynistic worldview. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by IlhansBrother 1 year ago by IlhansBrother +53 / -2 66 comments download share 66 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
23% of men at 45 and 13% of women at 45 in Norway in 2013. I've seen similar numbers for other countries. And the trend is steadily upwards.
Just under a quarter of US men and just under 16% of US women according to a 2014 report.
It isn't the norm but it is not rare.
But there have always been individuals who contribute to society but remain alone. The loneliness epidemic is novel but life-long lonely people have always been a thing.