They write all the articles like that, I think it’s supposed to get the sheep crying in their programmed fake empathy center and never pay attention to anything else.
There’s enough red flags on this woman to decorate a Soviet government office. It’s so obvious from the story she purposefully intended to indoctrinate her students.
Oh, and who the hell carries around extra socks, “just in case?” Does this woman have a foot fetish fling with another teacher or something? Needing extra socks all the time is not normal.
They write all the articles like that, I think it’s supposed to get the sheep crying in their programmed fake empathy center and never pay attention to anything else.
There’s enough red flags on this woman to decorate a Soviet government office. It’s so obvious from the story she purposefully intended to indoctrinate her students.
Oh, and who the hell carries around extra socks, “just in case?” Does this woman have a foot fetish fling with another teacher or something? Needing extra socks all the time is not normal.