And this goes right in to the equality gibberish that the left is always spouting. Women cannot simultaneously be the equal of men, yet fall victim to "grooming", "coercive control", etc. If men as a sex are presumed to be able to control women just by having stronger willpower, then women are not their equals.
this. we talk of leftists grooming children because adults have a leg up on mental and emotional aptitude, as well as children seeing adults as being in a position of authority. it's manipulation and abuse of someone who is objectively not even close to equal.
if women are being groomed, it requires that these women are infantile. so which is it, are women girl bosses, or are they literal children?
And this goes right in to the equality gibberish that the left is always spouting. Women cannot simultaneously be the equal of men, yet fall victim to "grooming", "coercive control", etc. If men as a sex are presumed to be able to control women just by having stronger willpower, then women are not their equals.
this. we talk of leftists grooming children because adults have a leg up on mental and emotional aptitude, as well as children seeing adults as being in a position of authority. it's manipulation and abuse of someone who is objectively not even close to equal.
if women are being groomed, it requires that these women are infantile. so which is it, are women girl bosses, or are they literal children?
It would appear that those states are not, as they should be, mutually exclusive in the intersectional mind