86 If you have Scandinavian friends or Family, show them this (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by AlfredicEnglishRules 1 year ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +86 / -0 65 comments download share 65 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
when you see a White character getting replaced by a Black character,
when you see a male character getting replaced by a female character,
when you see a female character's sexuality getting defeminized,
when you see a straight character getting replaced by a LGBTwhatever character,
that a group of anti-White anti-male satanic rootless cosmopolitans did this.
but why do you care? its just a movie for kids. Its not for you. etc etc. Normies are so tiresome
A good response to "it's not for you" is to ask "then, who is it for?" It could potentially be very telling, if leftoids weren't all a bunch of disingenuous retards. Most normies just get confused.
1 downvote from rootless international cosmopolitan