It's hard to explain to non-programmers, but his code is overcomplicated in an extremely "I'm too smart for readable code" sort of way, and that sort of code really slows the process down.
Every programmer goes through that stage at some point, where they become good enough to write convoluted yet highly compact code. But no matter how good you are, that sort of code really slows you down when you're debugging it later, even if you're the one who wrote it. Most people mature out of this phase and retvrn to writing highly legible code, but pseuds like Blow just get worse and worse.
I should have known God's Chosen Programmer himself would have made the same observation, probably decades before I did. I can't even imagine what he could have accomplished had he not been weighed down by mental illness.
I should have known God's Chosen Programmer himself would have made the same observation, probably decades before I did. I can't even imagine what he could have accomplished had he not been weighed down by mental illness.