I think it's a female thing. It seems like the subjects of Hollywood/Streaming woke BS are often useless rich people. Who cares? What is the point of telling the stories of the idle rich but to invoke avarice in the viewer?
I watch a rich guy if he does extreme sports. Builds something cool. Even starts a cool company. But IDGAF about his home life.
I didn't assume anything about you. I'm trying to highlight how what you hear in the news and through word-of-mouth isn't always the truth.
Accusing the Amish of having tons of incest and child rape seems a little slanted. If you worded it more like that's a problem then that would have seemed more fair but the way you worded it sounds a little unfair. Arguably, the reason for the former is just because of their small population but given a larger population size, we may see less of it and what kind of incest anyway? First cousins is not even that big of a deal. The child rape also sounds questionable since that's something everyone accuses any group of if they don't like the group. Democrats are child rapists. Priests are child rapists. Non-whites are child rapists. LGBTQ are child rapists. It's just the insult of the century. I know there is an attack on the Amish by women's groups that wish to push the idea that marriage of teenage girls is "child rape" when that's hardly child rape at all.
Not word of mouth when I see the shit first hand. Hard to not see it when there's clear and convincing evidence of whole communities are ignoring or participating in it.