Yeah, the Switch is "only $200" if we pretend stick drift doesn't exist. Of course, if you were dumb enough to buy a Switch Lite, you're going to have to RMA that shit.
How about an apples-to-apples comparison? The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ costs $5 more on the Switch than it does on Steam. The Repentance DLC? Also costs $5. Not only do you pay more, you get a lesser product as you're unable to get access to things like Workshop mods that add characters, items, and good ol' shitposts.
So, if you "only have $200", maybe try and get a few more together and by one hammer that will last 10 years than 5 hammers that will last 2 each?
That certainly held true with the joke of an idea that was the Steam machine.
The Steam Deck is a bit of a different animal though, and the portability is essentially the core draw. And as someone who tried gaming on a bulky laptop years ago, I would've much preferred to have had something like a Steam Deck.
The other thing is that portable devices for gaming really are especially contingent on solid design and engineering, just for the bells and whistles. Portable conditions are much more vulnerable to any range of inconveniences, whether it be the use of a reliable input device in games or a screen ease of use when interfacing with other devices.
Or just take the $400 - $649 you'd spend on a Steam Deck and just get upgrade your PC?
You obviously haven't seen GPU and CPU prices lately.
"But I'm willing to have a subpar experience of playing PC games on a phablet screen if it means I can do it from the couch!" Maybe try to get a few more together and get a second PC.
Or you can not be retarded and use Steam Link from a SoC if you want to play your PC collection on your couch.
Seriously. You would spend $50 to play AC6 on a 7" screen?
Nice job missing the point. No, I would spend $50 to play it on my 1440p 200hz monitor. Of course, that's ignoring that the Steam Deck is basically a form factor PC that you can plug into a television or monitor. You know, the Switch can do.
"But it can emulate all sorts of retro ga-" It's 2023. Anything can.
I never said anything about emulation, faggot. Unless Binding of Issac got released for the SNES when I wasn't looking. But sure, since you want to bring it up, emulation on PC is a million times better considering you can do shit like add anti-aliasing to old games, inject better looking textures, and play them at a framerate that doesn't make me want to vomit. Oh, and ROM hacks that allow you to experience old games in new ways.
If you've got a real use case, good for you I guess.
Yeah, it's called GOING OUTSIDE. Just because you're a fucking loser NEET who spends all day sitting in your own farts doesn't mean everyone else is. Believe it or not, some people have A JOB that sometimes takes them away from their home for longer than a day.
But everything in question is too big to be a handheld and too shit to be a main platform.
Skill issue.
By the way, nice job ignoring the point about Nintendo charging more for the exact same game for a worse experience.
Yeah, the Switch is "only $200" if we pretend stick drift doesn't exist. Of course, if you were dumb enough to buy a Switch Lite, you're going to have to RMA that shit.
Not to mention that, in the long run, you're likely to spend less overall when you factor in things like sales. Hell, you can get Armored Core 6 right now for 13% off without having to use shady gray market sellers.
How about an apples-to-apples comparison? The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ costs $5 more on the Switch than it does on Steam. The Repentance DLC? Also costs $5. Not only do you pay more, you get a lesser product as you're unable to get access to things like Workshop mods that add characters, items, and good ol' shitposts.
So, if you "only have $200", maybe try and get a few more together and by one hammer that will last 10 years than 5 hammers that will last 2 each?
That certainly held true with the joke of an idea that was the Steam machine.
The Steam Deck is a bit of a different animal though, and the portability is essentially the core draw. And as someone who tried gaming on a bulky laptop years ago, I would've much preferred to have had something like a Steam Deck.
The other thing is that portable devices for gaming really are especially contingent on solid design and engineering, just for the bells and whistles. Portable conditions are much more vulnerable to any range of inconveniences, whether it be the use of a reliable input device in games or a screen ease of use when interfacing with other devices.
You obviously haven't seen GPU and CPU prices lately.
Or you can not be retarded and use Steam Link from a SoC if you want to play your PC collection on your couch.
Nice job missing the point. No, I would spend $50 to play it on my 1440p 200hz monitor. Of course, that's ignoring that the Steam Deck is basically a form factor PC that you can plug into a television or monitor. You know, the Switch can do.
I never said anything about emulation, faggot. Unless Binding of Issac got released for the SNES when I wasn't looking. But sure, since you want to bring it up, emulation on PC is a million times better considering you can do shit like add anti-aliasing to old games, inject better looking textures, and play them at a framerate that doesn't make me want to vomit. Oh, and ROM hacks that allow you to experience old games in new ways.
Yeah, it's called GOING OUTSIDE. Just because you're a fucking loser NEET who spends all day sitting in your own farts doesn't mean everyone else is. Believe it or not, some people have A JOB that sometimes takes them away from their home for longer than a day.
Skill issue.
By the way, nice job ignoring the point about Nintendo charging more for the exact same game for a worse experience.
Can concur. I love those controllers even though I absolutely hate VR. I wish there was a way to use them with non-VR games.
Comment Reported for: Rule 3 - Harassment
Well, you are being a little mean.