Good. Pedophiles should be afraid. They should be voluntarily surrendering themselves to law enforcement to protect themselves from violent reprisals.
This rubbish has its origins in a QAnon belief that powerful, international figures intent on resetting the world, controlling people and destroying religious freedom are also kidnapping little boys and girls.
Klaus Schwab literally wrote a book called "The Great Reset" about resetting the world so that a small elite could more easily control everyone. Jeffery Epstein was literally kidnapping children to sell to the very elites working with Schwab (like Bill Gates). It's origins are falsifiable fact and questions that should have had answers but never did.
Good. Pedophiles should be afraid. They should be voluntarily surrendering themselves to law enforcement to protect themselves from violent reprisals.
Klaus Schwab literally wrote a book called "The Great Reset" about resetting the world so that a small elite could more easily control everyone. Jeffery Epstein was literally kidnapping children to sell to the very elites working with Schwab (like Bill Gates). It's origins are falsifiable fact and questions that should have had answers but never did.
yeah, but shut up racist. stop noticing things.