A while ago it was brought up the joyful circumstances of numerous commentors here being married or in some other form of relationship. Some even had kids.
Question for you all, how hard is it nowadays to be in one (relationship), or get in one? The red pill media has, over the years, become very black pilled and sensationalist on the subject. Granted, with ever increasing feminism and a decrease in tolerance for male behavior I have noticed it getting a lot harder out there... but ia it anywhere near as bad as they say?
While we are at it, what the hell does everyone do for fun in the real world? Prices have gone sky high in America, especially rent and housing, and over the years I have noticed less and less people go out, especially those in their 20s and 30s. I like to hike and explore so sitting at home doing nothing but play video games, read and watch tv drivers me nuts after a while. Granted, society seems less friendly and more shut in nowadays anyways. Still, there must be some clubs or whatever that people do for fun, even if not as frequently as ye olden times.
I was in a long term relationship and have two kids. Frankly, I don't really want another.
It is literally easier to raise two kids by myself than with my ex. It's definitely easier to raise kids with a partner, but most women today are not partner material and the ones that are, are married already.
I'm open to the idea of a relationship if I find someone worthwhile, and I've been on a few dates, but I can't see the appeal of most women today. They're all take and no give and, as a single parent, I have no time for games.
One of the real mindfucks these days is women rejecting men in pursuit of the elusive 10/10. This gives men the impression that the women are somehow of better quality (why else would they be rejecting you?) In reality, these women are extremely low quality other than physical attractivness (and even then...); if you actually got a date, you would soon realize how shallow and basically useless they are.
I'm no MGTOW; I don't think this is an inherent problem with women. Rather I think almost every women has an inflated sense of self-worth to the point that they don't feel the need to provide anything to a relationship; not money, not emotional support, not even motherhood.
As for fun, these days I'm into guerilla gardening.
Probably best for your kids. I've known some people single parenting who try to go on dates, shack up etc., and it often turns into a disaster for all involved.
..Guerrila gardening?
Guerrila gardening sounds like a euphemism for setting punji traps.
I’m picturing a Monty Python skit where the lads hide in a bush and wait for an unsuspecting garden to pass by.